Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Searching for the lost Franklin Expedition - and you can join

The Franklin Expedition departed England in 1845 in search of the fables NW Passage.  It disappeared into the ice, never to be seen again.

In the decade following the disappearance there were a series of expeditions searching for the ships.  Some relics of the expedition were found, including the graves of three crewmen. In 1854 relics of and stories about the Franklin party were acquired from the Inuit and in 1859 a note left on King William Island with details about the expedition's fate was discovered.

Searches continued through much of the 19th century, but the ships were never found.

This year the search starts again and you can be part of it.

From 26 August 2014 to 09 September, 2014 you can travel alongside our team of world-renowned scientists, historians, and researchers.  You will be part of a journey that could change Arctic history and the Canadian story of exploration as we know it.

Aside from the important search planned for the expedition, this voyage will also provide great
opportunities to experience the Canadian Arctic. While the work of the search survey will keep in the
Victoria Strait, we will endeavour to explore the ice edge as well as neighbouring shorelines in a quest to view some of the magnificent wildlife of the Arctic. We are likely to see polar bears, ringed and harp seals and may be fortunate enough to view muskox and caribou.

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